This is a 0G Labs project, not OG,
which means ZeroGravity
0G Labs has raised $35M in a pre-seed round
with the participation of Animoca, OKX Ventures, and other investors
In this installment, we'll run a validator node.
System Requirements
CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 8GB RAM
Disk: 500GB NVMe SSD
Bandwidth: 100mbps
1. Prepare your VPS
We'll be using Contabo VPS
Click above image and go to the contabo
Select VPS2 and 400 or 600GB SSD
+ Ubuntu 22.04
Wondering how to initially set up and connect to your VPS?
(But it's Korean version only. use translator)
[기초] VPS ssh 접속하기 with Termius
2. Install required packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl git jq build-essential gcc unzip wget lz4 -y
It takes a little while for the installation to complete.
3. Install Go
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
go version
rm -rf go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
4. Install evmosd via CLI
git clone -b testnet
source .profile
5. Set Chain ID
evmosd config chain-id zgtendermint_9000-1
6. Initialize Node
// replace <your_validator_name> with the name you want to use
evmosd init <your_validator_name> --chain-id zgtendermint_9000-1
Remove the <your_validator_name> part and replace it with the name you want to use,
referring to the first line in the photo above
7. Copy the Genesis File
rm .evmosd/config/genesis.json
wget -P ~/.evmosd/config
evmosd validate-genesis
8. Edit Seeds
nano .evmosd/config/config.toml
seeds = "8c01665f88896bca44e8902a30e4278bed08033f@,b288e8b37f4b0dbd9a03e8ce926cd9c801aacf27@,8e20e8e88d504e67c7a3a58c2ea31d965aa2a890@,e50ac888b35175bfd4f999697bdeb5b7b52bfc06@"
Scroll down and you'll see P2P, which is where the seeds are.
Change the existing seeds to the ones shown above.
When you're done,
press Ctrl + x, Y, Enter to save.
9. Snapshot Download
cp $HOME/.evmosd/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.evmosd/priv_validator_state.json.backup
evmosd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.evmosd --keep-addr-book
lz4 -d -c ./latest_snapshot.tar.lz4 | tar -xf - -C $HOME/.evmosd
mv $HOME/.evmosd/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.evmosd/data/priv_validator_state.json
10. Start Testnet
apt install screen
screen -S 0g
When you start a node, you can't use other windows,
so we use screen to manage them separately.
evmosd start
If you see a screen like the one above, and the block is going up nicely, you've succeeded.
You can exit the screen by pressing Ctrl + a + d.
*If an error occurs
If you get an error like the one above
rm -rf .evmosd 0g-evmos
After entering the above command
Go back to step 4 of this post and start from the beginning again.
11. Create wallet
// <key_name> replace with the name you created above
evmosd keys add <key_name>
After typing 'Enter keyring passphrase (attempt 1/3):'
in the you can enter the password you want to use.
After entering it, you can enter the same password in the next 'Re-enter keyring passphrase'.
Once you've set your password, you'll see your wallet address, public key, and seed phrase.
Be sure to save them separately.
12. Add to Metamask
// <key_name> replace with the name you created above
evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key <key_name>
After entering the above command
and add it to the metamask using the private key that appears.
Under Import account, paste your private key and click Import
After importing, you'll need to add the 0G testnet network
Open Metamask - Three top right dots - Settings - Network - Add network
Click Add network directly
0G Testnet 정보
Network name: 0g Newton Testnet
Chain ID: 9000
Currency symbol: A0GI
Block explorer URL:
13. Get a testnet token from Faucet
Go to the site above and claim 0G testnet token
with the metamask address you just added using your private key.
0.1 should come in
14. Create Validator
You can proceed from the above steps after the block synchronization is complete.
evmosd status | jq .SyncInfo
You can check block synchronization with the above command, and you should see that
catching_up should be false as shown in the picture on the right.
You can check the current block height on your VPS with "latest_block_height".
If it is synchronized, proceed to the next step.
screen -r 0g
After reconnecting to the screen using the above command, check that the block height and the
0G testnet's latest block height before proceeding.
You can check the latest block heights on the above site and
In the picture above, you can see that it's 679,523
It takes quite a while to synchronize the latest block, so take your time
We used a snapshot, so the synchoronization will be done quickly
// Replace <your_validator_name> and <key_name> with the names you used above.
evmosd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=80000000000000000aevmos \
--pubkey=$(evmosd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="<your_validator_name>" \
--chain-id=zgtendermint_9000-1 \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000" \
--gas="5000000" \
--gas-prices="30aevmos" \
Replace the <your_validator_name> part of line 4 and
the <key_name> part of the last line with the name you used above.
Hit enter, and then enter your password.
Enter y
In the above, note the validator address under pubkey
We'll need it later to check the validator registration in Discord
If the txhash pops up without any errors, you're done
15. Check Validator
Go to the above site and go to Inactive
If you search for your registered name, you'll see it as shown above.
Or 0G discord connection - after get a Testnet Validator role
node-status channel, you can check the status by typing "!val validator address".
This is how to run the Validator Node.
Next time, I will post how to run a Storage Node.
Please credit the source when reposting.
Node outsourcing and other inquiries
NodeGray Telegram Announcement Channel
NodeGray Telegram Chat Channel